Sullivan Auto Trading

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Get preapproved today

We work with all types of credit score ranges. Just fill out the form below to lock in your rate.

Contact Information1 / 4

Are you applying for financing for yourself, or jointly with a co-borrower?

Current Address2 / 4
Employment Information3 / 4
Consent & Verification4 / 4
Confirmation5 / 4

Getting pre-approved online is fast, easy, and secure

Get the wheels rolling in the right direction by getting pre-approved online. All it takes is a couple of minutes to find out how much car loan you qualify for and what your interest rate will be.

How much you can afford

Just because you get pre-approved for a certain amount doesn’t mean you have to utilize the entire loan. But making sure you get everything you need in a used car, truck or SUV is just as important.

Credit problem, no problem

Even if you have a prior repossession or bankruptcy, there’s a good change we can help get you approved! After all, it’s what our finance team specializes in bad credit car loans approvals.

Bypass the dealership

Save yourself at least an hour at the dealership by getting pre-approved online. It’s the fastest way to get a clear picture when it comes to how much you’ll qualify for while allowing you to lock in your interest rate at the same time.

Stress free car buying

Most people dislike talking finances, that’s why we’ve made it our mission to make car buying stress free from start to finish. All it takes is three simple steps to get pre-approved, from the comfort of home.

Mitigate indecision with facts

Once you fill out the pre-approval form, you’ll typically receive a decision within 24 hours notifying you of the outcome. Then once you have the facts in hand, it’s off to the races in your reliable and affordable new vehicle.

It’s quick & easy

Fill out the pre-approval form

All it takes is 3 easy steps and a couple minutes of your time.

The negotiation phase

We negotiate with our network lenders to get you the best interest rate.

Pick out your car

Narrow down your search online then come in for a test drive, or two.

Paperwork time

We’ve streamlined the paperwork process so it’s fast, simple and hassle free!

Off into the horizon you go

Online pre-approval, test drive, paperwork, and you’re done! Safe travels everyone!

Finance FAQs

How long does the pre-approval process take?

Filling out the pre-approval form only takes a couple of minutes, and you’ll typically hear back from us within 24 hours.

If I have bad credit, will I be able to get approved?

We approve 99% of all applicants so there’s a good chance we can help get you approved.

I am a first-time car buyer with no credit history, will I be denied?

Not necessarily, we have a great track record of helping people with no credit get approved.

What will my loan amount and interest rate be?

It depends on your credit score range and several other factors lenders take into consideration when deciding on whether to approve your application or not.